Jewish Magic & Superstition

Jewish Symbols

Jewish Symbols
Jewish Demons and Ghosts
Jewish Astrology
Jewish Spells
Jewish Curses

The Star of David 

The Star of David is the recognized symbol of the Jews. It was originally a magical protective symbol and wasn't associated with Jews until later. It is literally modeled as the shield of the warrior, David. In Kabbalah is signifies the number seven, which has a religious significance in Judaism (6 days of creation, 1 day of rest, 6 days of work 1 Sabbath, Menorah, etc.) The earliest text related to Judaism which mentions the star as a protective symbol is the Eshkol Ha-Kofer by Judah Hadaassi. 

The Evil Eye 

The Evil eye is a superstitiously believed look that can cause injury or bad luck to the person which it is directed at. In Judaism, it is mentioned in several texts. In the Talmud it is stated that there are people who have this power and there are several practices that can protect against the harm of the evil eye. It is believed that descendants of Joseph are immune to the eye, thus the incantation: 
"Take the thumb of the right hand in the left hand and the thumb of the left hand in the right hand, and say: "I am the seed of Joseph over whom the evil eye has no power" (Berakhot 55b)


The hamsa is represented as an eye embedded in the palm of an open hand. In Judaism, it is recognized as a Kabbalistic amulet and in Jewish art. It is certain how it came about in Judaism, but it might have been used to invoke the hand of God or to protect from the evil eye. 

Magic Bowls 

The Talmud portrays Jews as participating and accepting magic and miracles. Many magical amulets were found in homes during the talmudic period. The magic bowl is a bowl in which a magic spell was written on and used to drive away evil spirits and to protect the family. 






Jacobs, Rabbi Louis. "Evil Eye in Judaism." Evil Eye in Judaism- My Jewish Learning. Oxford University Press, n.d. Web. 13 May 2010. <>.

"The Hamsa Hand." The Hamsa Hand . N.p., n.d. Web. 13 May 2010. <>.